Unemployment judge becomes third to sue state, Wahlert
BPC Staff Jan 14, 2015 | 5:24 pm
1 min read time
124 wordsAll Latest News, Government Policy and LawIn the third such case, an Iowa Workforce Development administrative law judge is suing the state and former agency director Teresa Wahlert. Susan Ackerman, who testified last summer in legislative hearings on the agency, says she received a negative performance review in the fall — the first of her career — and was suspended in retaliation for her testimony, reports DesMoinesRegister.com.Ackerman also claims that the appeals bureau at Workforce Development changed dramatically after Wahlert was appointed in 2011 and that Wahlert “interfered with the bureau’s work, attempting to turn a fair and impartial administration of unemployment benefits into a process that is biased in favor of employers over employees.” A department spokesman told the Register that it would not comment on the lawsuit.