Report provides update on Iowa Marketplace enrollment
More than 36,000 Iowa residents have enrolled in health coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace as of mid-January, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said Tuesday. Of the 36,718 people who have enrolled in plans for 2015, 86 percent will be eligible to receive tax credit subsidies, the agency said in a monthly enrollment report. Just three insurers are participating in the Iowa marketplace in 2015: Avera Health Plans, Coventry Health Care of Iowa and Gundersen Health Plan. Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield did not participate in 2014 or 2015, and CoOportunity Health ceased selling new plans in late December and is now in the process of being liquidated. Nearly one-third of those who enrolled this year through the Iowa Marketplace were under 35 years old, and 42 percent were enrolling in a plan through the online Marketplace for the first time. Nationally, 9.5 million consumers selected or were automatically re-enrolled for coverage as of Jan. 16. The deadline for enrolling for coverage through the Marketplace is Feb. 15.