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NYT offers obit for Google Glass


Google Inc.’s announcement last month that it would sideline its trumpeted Glass wearable computer ended a run that started with media fanfare and ended with internal strife and lousy reviews, The New York Times reported.


An obituary of sorts offers a detailed look at the development of the device and the early hoopla surrounding it. The unveiling had featured skydivers and models.


From its unveiling in 2012, it was considered the top gadget for nerds, chief executives, chefs and fashionistas, among others. It was going to set the gold standard for a new class of wearable computers.


But skydivers and models can only do so much, and the shine started to wear off, the Times reported.


Tech reviewers who finally got their hands on Glass described it as “the worst product of all time,” noting that it had abysmal battery life and that it was “a product plagued by bugs.”


Privacy concerns were raised, with people afraid of being recorded during private moments.