AABP EP Awards 728x90

“Free’ is a magic word


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What makes people get off the dime and actually buy something?

The Promotion Marketing Association conducted a national poll of consumers, asking them which marketing tactics moved them from considering a purchase to actually making one. The results are worthy of our close attention as we plan our next campaign. (Note: People could pick more than one influencer, so the total is more than 100 percent.)

Free sample: 87.2 percent

Referral from a friend: 48.5 percent

Free premium: 29.4 percent

Advertising: 27.2 percent

Chance to win instant major prize: 16.7 percent

Packaging: 10.2 percent

Direct mail: 5.0 percent

Presence around town: 4.6 percent

Collateral: 2.4 percent

I for one was very surprised that word of mouth (referral from a friend) wasn’t number one. I guess because there’s no risk to trying something for free, it trumps a good word from someone we trust.

The results raise the question: How can you work an offer of a free sample into your next marketing campaign? How about so many hours of free service, or the first three items free when you buy six?

In the case of professional services, try offering one free consultation during a specific time period, such as the month of February. Be clear about what the prospect gets for free so you don’t create a “bait and switch” reaction.

Don’t limit your sampling efforts to just your prospects. Why not think about combining the top two results and offering their influencers the free sample? Or how about this crazy idea – mix and match a few and watch your sales peak.

Drew McLellan is Top Dog at McLellan Marketing Group and blogs at www.drewsmarketingminute.com. He can be reached at Drew@MclellanMarketing.com. © 2007 Drew McLellan