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Southwest Ninth Street Corridor study


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The South Des Moines Chamber of Commerce recently surveyed businesses along the Southwest Ninth Street corridor to gather information about merchants’ priorities for the area. Approximately 200 surveys were sent to businesses along the corridor. These are some of the responses from 24 businesses that responded to the survey, which South Des Moines business owners discussed at a meeting last week along with potential improvements that might be made to the corridor.

What kinds of new businesses would you like to see on Southwest Ninth Street?

Nice restaurant, café- 53%

Insurance – 12%

Grocery Store – 12%

Retail Store – 12%

Convenience Store – 6%

No response – 5 %

If tax abatements were offered, would you take advantage of them?

Yes – 56%

No – 28%

Maybe – 16%

Would you like to see a beautification project on Southwest Ninth?

Yes – 91%

No – 7%

No response – 2 percent

Do you see a value in a merchants’ association?

Yes – 50%

No – 20%

Maybe – 30%

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