Iowa NFIB members oppose Medicaid expansion


More than 83 percent of National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) members surveyed in Iowa said they oppose an expansion of Medicaid in the state. Under provisions of the federal health-care overhaul, states have the option to extend the benefits to people making up to 133 percent of the poverty level, which would add an estimated 120,000 to 150,000 additional people to the program in the state, which has a current enrollment of more than 400,000 Medicaid recipients. “Medicaid is a health care program for the poor and it is well on its way to bankruptcy,” said Kristin Failor, executive director of NFIB Iowa. “Small business owners in Iowa believe that now is not the time to expand an entitlement program that we can’t afford now.”Click here to read what other groups are saying in a Business Record article. 

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