MPO allocated more than $22 million in government funds in FY2010
The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) released its fiscal year 2010 annual report last week.
The group allocated more than $6 million in Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds from the federal government, and more than $16 million from American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds.
Highlights included:
• $2,215,000 for the Southeast Connector from Southeast 14th Street to Southeast 18th Street in Des Moines through the STP.
• $1 million for construction on East Indianola Avenue in Des Moines through the STP.
• $1 million for construction on Grand Avenue from Raccoon River Park to South 50th Street in West Des Moines through the STP.
• $1 million for U.S. Highway 69 construction from Oralabor Road to First Street in Ankeny through ARRA.
• $1,286,228 for East McKinley Avenue in Des Moines through ARRA.
• $1 million for Army Post Road in Des Moines through ARRA.
• $1,975,765 for the Principal Riverwalk through ARRA.
• $1 million for South James Street in Grimes through ARRA.
• $1,144,528 for Northwest 86th Street in Johnston through ARRA.
• $1,950,000 for Northwest 118th Avenue from Northwest Sheldahl Drive to Northeast 22nd Street through ARRA.
• $1,200,000 for 100th Street in Urbandale through ARRA.