Learning the law is just a start


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It was gratifying to see that Iowa drivers did well in a recent test about knowing the rules of the road. We placed fifth among the states in the GMAC Insurance National Drivers Test. Iowa drivers had an average score of 80.8 percent, bringing our state up from ninth place in 2009.

Kansas motorists took the top spot, while New Yorkers finished last.

Unfortunately, knowing the basics about proper driving isn’t much of a bar to pass, when you consider the responsibility you have behind the wheel. Also, some fairly important information might reside among that one-fifth of the rulebook that has escaped your memory.

But the most worrisome point is: Knowing the rules is not the same as following the rules. Iowa drivers certainly don’t obey them with anything approaching 80 percent accuracy.

We’re out there tailgating, rolling through stop signs, weaving in and out of freeway traffic and, at every opportunity, exceeding the speed limit. And some of us are on the cell phone at the same time.

We seem to have forgotten that if one thing matters more than the laws of Iowa, it’s the laws of physics.

Imagine finding a way to slash insurance costs, save enormous amounts of lost time and reduce the terrible toll of serious injuries and death. That’s how wonderful it would be to shrink our accident totals by 50 percent or so.

Now accept the fact that we’re absolutely not going to do the most rational thing to make that happen: cut our vehicles’ absolute top speed to, say, 30 mph. Too ridiculous to contemplate.

So we’re left facing an accident-filled future. If we want to improve the odds, we should bring more state troopers and local law enforcement back to the highways and streets. Yes, it would take substantial amounts of tax money, but it would save in so many important ways.

Until that happens, all you can do is follow the rules yourself. And maybe give a lecture or two, now and then, to your loved ones and anyone else who will listen.