Economic rumble to be felt from motorcycle convention


The anticipated 14,000 motorcyclists who will rumble into Des Moines next week on their Honda Gold Wing and Valkyrie bikes will be bringing much more than noise to the city.

The Greater Des Moines Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) said the economic impact from Wing Ding 32, the Gold Wing Road Riders Association’s annual convention, is estimated to be $4 million.

Riders from all over the country will bike in and spread throughout the town between June 29 and July 3. They’ll have a welcome party at Prairie Meadows Racetrack and Casino, a light parade in Valley Junction on Thursday night and a trade show that will run Wednesday through Saturday.

The week will culminate with the largest motorcycle parade in the country on Friday, when the bikers rev up and travel from downtown to Urbandale High School.

Prior to now, the convention had never come to Des Moines, and the CVB had been working to secure the gathering for the past 15 years.

Beyond the economic impact, the CVB is also looking for the very visible event to provide a marketing and public relations boost.

“A lot of times people come in and you can’t tell they are a visitor,” said Tiffany Tauscheck, the CVB’s vice president of marketing. “But with the Wing Ding attendees they are going to be decked out in their motorcycle gear, they are going to be on their Honda Gold Wings and Valkyrie motorcycles, and you are going to be able to identify right away that this is somebody that is in town for Wing Dings.”

The association’s 80,000 members talking about the city doesn’t hurt either, Tauscheck said.

The annual event rotates locations, and Tauscheck said the CVB is hoping that Des Moines can permanently become a part of the Wing Ding destination rotation in the future.