Apply Partnership model to cultural life


It has been nearly five years since three community organizations, all focused on economic development, merged to become the Greater Des Moines Partnership. It was a difficult process and many initially opposed the concept. However, many others believed we needed to eliminate overlap and duplication so we could improve strategies and increase accountability. The result was a consolidation of leadership, focus and financial support that strengthened our community’s efforts in every way.

The initial hurdle was the elimination of multiple executive committees and boards of directors so we could bring everyone together with a new mindset and approach to growth. Looking back, Greater Des Moines can be very proud of this decision and the results it has generated and will continue to generate. What seemed like an impossibility five years ago has become a tremendously successful organization that has given the community a solid return on investment.

With a successful, united economic development effort in place, we must now make the same commitment to our cultural organizations. A new organization is being formed that will assume responsibility for building upon the success of our cultural opportunities — The Regional Cultural Council.

The primary goals of this new organization will be to increase cultural awareness, provide advocacy and secure reliable and sustainable public and private funding. Although not a merger of existing groups, this new organization will become extremely important to the success of the boards of these organizations: Blank Park Zoo; Civic Center of Greater Des Moines; Civic Music Association; Des Moines Art Center; Hoyt Sherman Place; Iowa Youth Chorus; Living History Farms; Metro Arts Alliance; Science Center of Iowa; State Historical Society of Iowa; Des Moines Botanical Center; Des Moines Metro Opera; Des Moines Playhouse; Des Moines Symphony and the Salisbury House Foundation. This group can be expanded in future periods and is expected to be.

The Regional Cultural Council will include 12 high-profile individuals with a proven commitment to Greater Des Moines. The most challenging step will be attracting people who are known for changing the course of organizations for the better. However, if you begin with the right leadership, it can and will happen. We can be very proud that Steve Zumbach has agreed to launch the new Regional Cultural Council.

Steve has proved time and again that he has the vision, the commitment and the respect required to drive change for the betterment of our community’s future. Most recently, he was the catalyst for Project Destiny, which provided a blueprint that will allow Greater Des Moines to build on the lessons of the past by thinking strategically and working together cooperatively. In fact, the volunteers leading Project Destiny actually recommended the creation of a new regional organization that will strengthen and promote metro-area artistic, recreation and cultural activities.

Our community has shown that it can grow and attract businesses. We also must continue to build upon what makes Central Iowa such a great place to live – our cultural organizations. Quality of life is absolutely a requirement for a growing community. It is not just our work ethic, quality education or available land that will drive our ongoing prosperity. We must invest back into what attracts companies — and what attracts people.

Greater Des Moines is in competition with other cities, and the quality of our arts, theaters, museums and galleries has a direct impact on our quality of life and therefore on our competitiveness. We must view our cultural institutions as strategic assets that can be leveraged to support economic growth and provide a competitive advantage over other communities. That is why the formation of the Regional Cultural Council is the right decision today, just as the Greater Des Moines Partnership was five years ago.

Steven Chapman is president and CEO of ITA Group Inc. in West Des Moines.