Nearly $1.8 million awarded in CAT and sports tourism grants


The Enhance Iowa Board awarded $1,775,000 in Community Attraction and Tourism grants to projects that expand Iowa’s recreational, cultural, educational and entertainment facilities. The grants will support the construction of:

  • a new community center in Doon (awarded $475,000)
  • an accessible splash pad in Huxley ($100,000)
  • a trail project in Okoboji ($200,000)
  • a recreation and wellness center in Denison ($1,000,000)

Additionally, the YMCA of Washington County was awarded a $4,000 sports tourism grant to promote the Kewash Trail Half Marathon. To date, the Enhance Iowa Program has awarded more than 136 grants, totaling more than $46 million, to projects that improve the quality of life in Iowa. Read more about the project here.