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Ellipsis completes renovations on youth independent living apartments


Ellipsis Iowa, a youth services and shelter organization, has finished renovations of a Des Moines facility that offers 12 efficiency apartments for youths and young adults ages 16 to 21. The renovated apartments are part of an initiative at Ellipsis to help youths learn about independent living.


Each resident will have their own fully furnished apartment, including a kitchen, bathroom and living area. According to a news release, supervised apartment living service providers have traditionally had several individuals share common spaces.  

“This shift from shared spaces to individualized living quarters is designed to foster a sense of ownership, responsibility and autonomy among residents. Our kids are going to learn how to be independent,” Ellipsis CEO Chris Koepplin said in a prepared statement. “Not only will it better prepare our kids to live as they would when they’re on their own, but they now also have a private area where they can relax, feel comfortable inviting a guest and learn how to be responsible for their own space.”

An open house for the new facility was held Feb. 20.

Those living in the apartments will continue to have access to Ellipsis’ team and services to receive individualized support and skill-building opportunities, including cooking and budgeting.

The apartment renovation has been a priority since Youth Homes of Mid-America and Youth Emergency Services and Shelter first merged to form Ellipsis in 2021, the news release said.

Funding for this project, completed with Slingshot Architecture and Greiner Construction, came in large part from a grant from Gov. Kim Reynolds’ office, distributed through the Iowa Economic Development Authority’s Nonprofit Innovation Fund.

Ellipsis looks to provide youths transitioning to independent living with starter kits including bedroom, bathroom, personal hygiene, kitchen and household cleaning items. To learn more, email Ellipsis Engagement Director Zach Rus at zach.rus@ellipsisiowa.org.

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