Ankeny to host final transportation master plan open house


The city of Ankeny will host an open house from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. on May 8 to present the final recommendation of the Ankeny Transportation Master Plan, also called the TMP. The open house will be at the Ankeny Kirkendall Public Library, 1250 S.W. District Drive. No formal presentation will be made, and attendees may drop in at any time. All residents and users of Ankeny’s transportation system are encouraged to attend the event, where city officials and members of the planning team will be presenting the final recommendations of the plan and answering questions. The city hired JEO Consulting Group and Felsburg, Holt, & Ullevig Engineering as the private engineering and planning consultants that assisted in the development of the plan, which serves as a tool for planning and managing growth within a transportation system. Read more about the TMP on the city of Ankeny’s website.