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Veridian Credit Union announces 2024 Community Shred Day schedule


Veridian Credit Union will host mobile shred trucks in five communities across Iowa and eastern Nebraska, including its Ankeny and West Des Moines locations, for Community Shred Day. Each event is free and open to the public to promote the importance of shredding unwanted, sensitive documents in protecting your identity from fraud. The shredded material will be recycled into commercial grade paper towels, toilet paper and other paper products. ”Community Shred Day has been well-attended at every location every year since our first event in 2009,” said Ashtin Hotek, Veridian’s public relations strategist and Community Shred Day coordinator. “We’re happy to offer an event that helps prevent identity fraud and grateful to see so many people take advantage of it.” Attendees are asked to arrive with documents in the cargo area of their vehicle and to remain in their vehicle while event staff unload it and place it in shred bins. To ensure capacity for all who would like to attend, each event can accept no more than two 25-pound containers of documents per person. More tips on how to prepare for Community Shred Day and a schedule of all events are available at veridiancu.org/shred.