Choose Iowa food purchasing pilot program launches

Business Record Staff Mar 11, 2025 | 2:40 pm
1 min read time
179 wordsAll Latest News, Education, Iowa Stops Hunger, Retail and BusinessIowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig announced the launch of the Choose Iowa Food Purchasing Program for Schools. The $70,000 pilot program aims to connect Iowa schools with Choose Iowa members to encourage school food service programs to buy more ingredients and serve more products sourced from local farmers and small businesses. The school pilot program was authorized during the 2024 legislative session and is an initiative of Choose Iowa, the state’s branding and marketing program that identifies and promotes Iowa food and agriculture products. Schools are eligible for up to $1,000 in funding and must provide at least a one-to-one financial match. “This program is a win for everyone involved. Students are served fresh, locally produced foods. Schools can support and build relationships with Choose Iowa members in their communities. School food service programs create new markets for small and beginning farmers to sell their products, and that helps generate economic activity in rural communities,” Naig said in a prepared statement. Applications for the pilot program are open on the Choose Iowa website through noon on April 7.