Change in land-use designation sought for Butler Mansion property


The Des Moines City Council on April 7 will consider a request to revise the land use designation of property at 2633 Fleur Drive to allow a cultural and events center to operate on the site. In 2023, the Italian-American Cultural Center of Iowa made the final payment on a $3.3 million contract to purchase the 7-acre parcel that includes what is locally known as the Butler Mansion. The three-story iconic white building sits on a hill overlooking Gray’s Lake, Water Works Park and downtown Des Moines. The center is expected to include a museum, cultural and education centers, a theater, and a cafe and coffee bar. The group plans to lease space in the mansion for weddings and other events. The council originally was scheduled to vote on the change in the land-use designation at its March 10 meeting. The Plan and Zoning Commission approved the request in February.

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