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Miller: Eliminate fees on freezing credit reports


Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller is proposing legislation to eliminate fees most Iowa consumers pay to freeze unauthorized access to their credit reports. He also wants to end the fees — currently the highest in the nation — credit reporting agencies can charge Iowans to undo the freeze. Miller’s proposal follows the massive Equifax data breach disclosed in September, affecting 1.1 million Iowans and 143 million consumers nationwide. The fees were temporarily waived, but Iowans now pay them. A consumer who freezes all three credit agency files pays a total of $30 to place freezes, $36 to temporarily lift them, and $30 to permanently remove them. “I just don’t think these fees are fair to Iowa consumers, and the Equifax case is Exhibit A,” Miller said. “If a company you have no control over exposes your personal information through negligence or as a result of someone else’s criminal act, you shouldn’t get left holding the bag simply because you want to protect yourself from identity thieves through credit freezes.” Read the full news release.