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Reynolds signs EPIC Corporate Challenge Proclamation


Gov. Kim Reynolds recently signed a proclamation officially recognizing the success and growth of the EPIC Corporate Challenge, a statewide public-private initiative dedicated to increasing female leadership in Iowa businesses and organizations. Seventy companies have signed on to take the challenge, according to a release sent by Iowa Women Lead Change, a number that’s grown since the challenge first launched in 2016. “The EPIC Corporate Challenge is so much more than helping Iowa women achieve greater heights in leadership. It’s also supporting our economic development and workforce strategies,” Reynolds said in the release. “It’s helping us build a strong pipeline of talent for the future as well as transforming the landscape for women in leadership. We must not let up on that dual effort.” Those who take the EPIC Corporate Challenge pledge to measure and track several metrics within their company, including recruitment and retention of women, number of women on boards and in senior leadership, and pay equity. Challenge partners include IWLC, Iowa Workforce Development, Iowa Economic Development Authority, and Reynolds. For more information on the challenge, visit IWLC’swebsite