NOTEBOOK: In the arena, there is no law


If you thought you had seen every possible gyration of pimped-out vehicles, I might be one-up on you from my recent road trip to Houston last week. (An easy 14-hour curb-to-curb jaunt from Ankeny, by the way.) I was heading north on I-45 from downtown in the mid-morning traffic, which was about twice the density and half the speed of our worst I-235 rush hour. I glanced in my rearview mirror and observed what seemed to be outriggers on a sedan. As he drove up beside me, I realized the objects projecting from each hubcap were actually replicas of the scythe-bladed spikes like those used against Charlton Heston in the chariot race of the original “Ben-Hur” film. No one had horses hitched up to their chariots, though, and I didn’t see anyone brandishing a whip.