World Food Prize announces 2018 theme


Today at the 10th World Potato Congress in Cusco, Peru, Ambassador Kenneth Quinn announced the theme of the 2018 Norman Borlaug International Symposium — “Rise to the Challenge.” In making the theme announcement, the World Food Prize Foundation president compared how the Inca civilization of Peru rose to the challenge of creating an extraordinarily productive agricultural system in the 15th century, defying the extreme climatic and physical growing environment of the Andes mountains. “Now, more than 500 years later, we face a similar challenge, on a scale unlike any humans have ever confronted — sustainably and nutritiously feeding the more than 9 billion people who will be on our planet by 2050.” The 2018 International Symposium will take place Oct. 17-19 in Des Moines. The World Food Prize will announce the 2018 World Food Prize Laureate at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C., on June 25. The $250,000 prize will be presented to the new laureate in October as part of the Borlaug Dialogue.

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