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NOTEBOOK: DMACC executive supplies added horsepower to Iowa parades


People have gotten used to seeing DMACC President Rob Denson deftly steering one of the community college’s training semitrailer trucks around tight town squares during parades, as we’ve documented in one of our photo issues. Now, DMACC also has a team of really big horses for parades, courtesy of Stan Jensen, the college’s new executive vice president for operations. Jensen bought two matched dapple-gray Percheron workhorses a few months ago that stand about 6 feet tall (18 hands) at the shoulder. “We’ve been in a couple of parades already — it’s been kind of fun,” Jensen said. “We had a retreat recently with the cabinet, so I took them all in the wagon.” His boss, Denson, even took a turn driving the team, as did the DMACC vice presidents.