It doesn't matter how you read the Business Record, just that you read it.

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Hate being at a meeting where everyone starts talking about the new development in town...that you don't know anything about? 

Business moves fast. Competition is intense. Time is one of your most valuable commodities. For over 30 years Central Iowa business and community leaders have made time to read the Business Record because they trust it to give them a competitive edge by keeping them connected to and informed of news affecting the local business community.

With a variety of ways to get the content important to you and your business (print, digital, online) you can access the information you need to stay competitive in the format that suits you best.

And now Members receive even more. A one-year All-Access membership to the Business Record not only contains 52 issues of the print and digital weekly publication and the Book of Lists but also:

  • Insider access to all Insider content on
  • Periodic Insider emails with the latest breaking news, story behind the story, extra analysis, etc.
  • A 15% discount on Business Record event tickets.
  • One click access to send emails to people featured in the “On the Move” section.

Can you afford to let your competition pass you by? Of course not. Get YOUR competitive advantage by starting a membership to the Business Record.

One-year All-Access membership - $74.95

What is the Business Record Insider?

On August 25, 2014 the Business Record launched a new membership model for the Business Record and This allowed us to give more to our most loyal readers (subscribers now called members): more content, more access, and more analysis while still allowing non-subscribers access to daily business news via the Business Record Daily AM and PM editions, Commercial Real Estate Weekly and our other electronic newsletters that are available without a paid subscription.

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