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Ag loan approvals remain high while farm profits drop


Eighty-two percent of agricultural lenders reported a decline in farm profitability in the last 12 months, according to a joint survey by the American Bankers Association and the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp. Despite the continued decline, the survey of more than 580 agricultural lenders revealed that the agricultural loan approval rate is 84 percent, according to a release. Though a high percentage of ag lenders continue to report a decline in farm profitability, 7 percent fewer reported a decline compared with the December 2016 ABA/Farmer Mac survey. However, the drivers of industry stress remain the same. Ninety-three percent of lenders indicated commodity prices are a top concern. Grain and dairy remained the sectors that lenders are most concerned about, while lenders reported less concern for the cattle and hog sectors than in the previous survey. Other top concerns are liquidity (87 percent), farm income (85 percent), farm leverage (77 percent) and weather (56 percent). On average, survey respondents exhibited more confidence in stable land values than in the December 2016 survey.

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