Applications open for 175th Iowa statehood anniversary pop-up displays, marker grants
BPC Staff Jul 20, 2021 | 7:56 pm
1 min read time
157 wordsAll Latest News, Arts and Culture, Government Policy and LawHistory is everywhere, often hidden under the surface of everyday life. Two new statewide initiatives will make it easier to recognize during Iowa’s 175th anniversary of statehood this year. The State Historical Society of Iowa is making available 300 temporary cardboard pop-up displays as well as 15 permanent cast aluminum historical markers. Both are available, by application, for installation in communities across Iowa. “We encourage Iowans across the state to learn about and share Iowa’s remarkable history,” State Historical Society of Iowa Administrator Susan Kloewer said. “Iowa’s 175th anniversary offers all of us an opportunity to consider how far our state has come and how we might influence its future.” Grants up to $2,000 are available for the manufacture of 2-by-3-foot signs in cast aluminum. Priority will be given to historical markers that share the stories of historically underrepresented groups. More information about the initiatives is available at this link on the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs website.