ARTSwork launches online Iowa Artist Directory


A new online Iowa Artist Directory is now active with 100 listings in more than 20 counties so far. ARTSwork, a year-round sister organization of the Des Moines Arts Festival, created the free directory to help artists showcase their work in various media, including dance, design, education, media, music, theater, visual arts and writing. Organizations and businesses that support artists can also post their services, as well as opportunities for auditions, commissions, grants and more. “Organizations like ours are constantly being asked for a list of muralists, musicians, educators and more,” ARTSwork and Des Moines Arts Festival Executive Director Stephen King said in a prepared statement. “This new site allows the user to create their own list by searching by discipline or by Iowa county to find the artist that meets their needs.” ARTSwork started working on the site more than two years ago to fulfill a need identified by Bravo Greater Des Moines’ Regional Cultural Assessment as well as the Capital Crossroads Vision Plan. The website was created locally by Fajen Consulting with financial support from a grant from the Iowa Arts Council, a part of the Iowa Economic Development Authority.