Answers. Salespeople want answers. Here are a few of the answers to questions I get in the mail (fax, e-, and snail). The purpose of this column is threefold. First, to give you a sampling of what people ask; second, to assure you that you are not alone in experiencing the weirdness that everyday selling seems to breed; and third, to apply the answers to your selling situations (even though they may not address your specific business).
And by the way, in case you forgot, the only dumb question is the one you don't ask.
Jeffrey: I have recently begun a career in financial services. During the summer months, I utilize my previous background (golf industry) to bring clients to my "comfort zone" ... the golf course. But when winter comes to New England, my business will suffer because my confidence indoors is not quite the same. Any advice? Bill.
Dear Bill, Go to a driving range that has some heat. Meet people there for lunch and drive a bucket of balls. Meet at a golf store where they have a computerized game. Play St. Andrews with them. Bring the golf pro to lunch and have a 15-minute lesson on putting or chipping. Get outside the box, but stay on the fairway. Best regards, Jeffrey.
Hey Jeffrey! Do you have any innovative, fun, yet diplomatic ways to grab her attention to the degree that she may at least return my call? Thanks again for your advice, and I look forward to your response when your schedule allows. Your loyal reader, Peter.
Dear Peter: She obviously has a relationship with someone else that she's happy with. My recommendation is that you leave a message with one of your tips for retaining employees or upping employee morale, or eliminating the pain of relocation, or increasing employee productivity. At the end of your message, say, "If you'd like to make a comment, my number is ----------."
Do it every day for 30 days. Every week send her a printout of the tips with your number real small at the bottom. Keep it up until she calls. Best of voice mail success, Jeffrey Gitomer.
Jeffrey: I am in the school fund-raising business, where there is a revolving door of volunteers who are mad when you call them at home, even though they are the decision makers. How do I contact them to get the appointment without hounding them? How do I build a relationship when they change every year? Thanks, Sherri.
Sherri: You have a problem, and the ONLY answer is testimonials. Get someone in a decision-making capacity who used you, and loves you, and made money from you last year, to call the new decision-maker on your behalf. This is the only way I have found that works. Best regards, Jeffrey Gitomer.
Dear Jeffrey: Do you have any suggestions that might help me befriend corporate leaders without them getting intimidated? And do you know of any other marketing consultants who work in this kind of proactive manner? Thanks, Rick.
Rick: To succeed at what you want to do, they have to find you (like you found me). Writing and speaking are the best ways of getting in front of people who can say yes to you. A sales call will never work, a referral may get you an appointment, but a credible article or speech will get a qualified prospect to call you - a prospect who is interested in buying. That's a response that will lead to a sale. Best regards, Jeffrey Gitomer.
Dear Jeffrey: I have a particular problem with one insurance agent in South Carolina. My bid is significantly lower with increased coverage, but the prospective clients have not moved their coverage, despite our whole firm's best efforts. We have an excellent sales history, but have a hard time breaking into a new market in S.C. Please help. Fred.
Dear Fred: Someone has a better relationship than you. And you think it's about a better price. It should be obvious to you that price is not the deciding factor. Build the relationship. Best regards, Jeffrey Gitomer.
Dear Jeffrey: How much should we invest in a Web site? Phil.
Dear Phil: Ten grand more than your competition. Jeffrey.
Got a question? Got a great sales story? Go to and click "Challenge Me."
Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of “The Sales Bible” and “Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless, Customer Loyalty Is Priceless.” He can be reached at (704) 333-1112 or by e-mail at