Strategies for Racial Equity

tero october

Last month I shared what I was asking myself to do with regard to what needs to be a continuing national conversation examining, validating and challenging racism. This month I share what I am doing …

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If Not Now, When?

tero september

Have you heard people saying how tired they are of Covid, and all the restrictions it brings to their lives? We have been fighting this since March. We are in our seventh month. It has …

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Looking to Improve Your Virtual Meetings?

tero july

In our book, Your Invisible Toolbox, my co-author, Deborah Rinner, and I highlight two important trends that have heightened meaning during this pandemic as the business world embraces swiftly and nearly completely virtual communication technology.…

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Brutality and Credibility

tero june 1

Nancy Koehn in a well written Harvard Business Review article clearly defines what is needed in a leader and their message during a crisis. “Your job, as a leader today, is to provide both brutal …

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What is the Key to Sales During a Pandemic?

tero may

BY ROWENA CROSBIE, president, Tero International

COVID-19 is causing unprecedented change in every industry, profession, and in everyone’s personal life. Changes for the sales professional and the sales process are no exception.

How do we …

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