Cambridge Analytica/Facebook fallout


A friend who is a retired journalist says she will pull the plug on her Facebook account if it turns out to be true the social media company had a hand in funneling information used to affect the most recent U.S. presidential election.

Many are sifting through the massive coverage of the controversy involving Cambridge Analytica, which is accused of accessing and improperly storing data from millions of Facebook users.

Among the developments:

  • CNNTech asked, “Is it time to delete your Facebook account?” and noted Twitter has a hashtag #DeleteFacebook. CNN Tech walks users through how to delete their Facebook account.
  • WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton tweeted “it is time” to delete Facebook. WhatsApp has been owned by Facebook since 2014.
  • NPR reported Cambridge Analytic executives were recorded by hidden camera boasting about helping Donald Trump win the presidential election. They also took credit for the “defeat crooked Hillary” campaign, a reference to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
  • Inevitably, late night show hosts weighed in on the controversy

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