Capital Crossroads

A road map to the largest regional plan yet


The Capital Crossroads regional planning project isn’t the first such process in Greater Des Moines, but it is the most comprehensive and covers a larger area than any previous efforts. This site serves the purpose of helping you navigate all 10 capitals of the 100-page plan.

An overview of the plan:
Capital Crossroads follows similar projects undertaken by area leaders in 1998 and 2003. The first one focused on bricks-and-mortar ideas, and the second one focused on quality-of-life issues. This one focuses on a little bit of everything. The plan was led by the Greater Des Moines Partnership and put together by consultant Market Street Services Inc., which incorporated ideas from a steering committee of area leaders and public input from nearly 5,000 people through surveys, 30 focus groups and 50 one-on-one interviews. The final plan lays out 10 “Capitals,” or areas of focus, that will each incorporate its own committees and implementation plans into the mix… >>> Continue reading

Read an overview of all 10 capitals
Download a PDF of our capital breakdow

Future coverage: 

We’ll be breaking down all 10 capitals indepth with an extensive look at the challenges facing each area. Stay tuned…

1. Capital Core
2. Business Capital
3. Capital Corridor
4. Wellness Capital
5. Human Capital
6. Social Capital
7. Cultural Capital
8. Physical Capital
9. Governance Capital
10. Environmental Capital


Past Crossroads coverage:
October 26, 2012: Human Capital
October 10, 2012:
Third quarter update 2012 
August 24, 2012:
Capital Corridor
July 20, 2012:
Second quarter update 2012
June 14, 2012:
Capital Core
May 25, 2012:
Wellness Capital
April 11, 2012:
First quarter update 2012
March 23, 2012: Governance Capital
March 2, 2012:
Business Capital
February 3 2012: Social Capital
December 23, 2011:
Cultural Capital
December 2, 2011:
Physical Capital
May 6, 2011:
Capital Crossroads identifies Greater Des Moines job targets
April 27, 2011:
Capital Crossroads shares guiding principles at public meeting
Jan. 28, 2011
: VIDEO: Capital Crossroads
Jan. 28, 2011:
Entering a Crossroads