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Analysts: Expect Fed bond buying to end in 2014

Wall Street experts say that investors should begin preparing for the end of the Federal Reserve’s bond buying program, CNNMoney reported.


The Fed has announced that beginning in January, it will buy $75 billion in …

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Meredith purchase of St. Louis TV station opposed

An East Coast cable television company this week filed papers with the Federal Communications Commission registering its opposition to Meredith Corp.’s request for the license to operate a St. Louis television station that Meredith is …

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Local insurance agencies get national recognition

Two Greater Des Moines insurance agencies were recognized among the top-performing agencies in the nation by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America.  CSB Insurance Group of Johnston and LMC Insurance & Risk Management …

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Rockwell Collins forms Information Management Systems business

Rockwell Collins Inc. today announced the launch of a new Information Management Systems business. The company’s recently completed $1.4 billion acquisition of ARINC Inc. will serve as the foundation of the new business. The business …

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Apartment construction could temper rent increases

U.S. apartment rents could rise 3.3 percent in 2014, little changed from last year, as the most construction in a decade boosts vacancies and limits landlords’ ability to increase rates more, according to Reis Inc, Bloomberg …

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State awards $951,000 in Main Street Iowa grants

The Iowa Economic Development Authority today announced $951,000 in Main Street Iowa Challenge Grants for 14 projects, including one to help upgrade a free meal site at Trinity United Methodist Church, 1548 Eighth St. in …

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Health care spending growth rate remains low

U.S. health care spending grew more slowly than the economy as a whole in 2012, according to a new analysis from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Overall health care spending increased at a …

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Morning business headlines: 1-7-14

21 months of gains in house prices

MarketWatch: U.S. home prices edged up in November, CoreLogic Inc. said today. Prices rose 0.1 percent on a monthly basis to take year-on-year gains to 11.8 percent, the 21st …

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Keough named chairman, CEO of Holmes Murphy

Holmes Murphy & Associates Inc. announced that Daniel Keough has been named chairman and CEO, succeeding Jim Swift as the company’s chairman. Keough served as founder and CEO of Innovative Captive Strategies, a division of …