Business Community Events

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Event Dec. 28: A free premiere of ‘Caucus Iowa: Journey to the Presidency’

The Iowa Caucus Consortium and Iowa Public Television will host a premiere of“Caucus Iowa: Journey to the Presidency” at 5 p.m. Dec. 28 at the State Historical Building. Following the hourlong screening, there will be a brief …

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Event Jan. 12: ISU offers seminar on exports

Iowa State University will host a seminar on export strategies and development Jan. 12 at Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, 5400 University Ave., West Des Moines. The daylong session will include roundtable discussions of financing, market …

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Event Dec. 17: NAWBO marketing luncheon

Learn the 10 top tools to include in your organization’s marketing tool belt by attending the NAWBO Iowa’s December luncheon Thursday, Dec. 17. Kris Winter, “Queen of Everything Marketing” with M2K Marketing Group, will discuss …

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Event Dec. 17: Book signing, fun run and cancer fundraiser

Real estate broker and author Steve Cannon will sign his book “40 Days” at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at Fitness Sports, 8810 Swanson Blvd. in Clive. The book signing will follow a fun run that starts …

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Event Dec. 15: Iowa Utilities Board holds stakeholders meeting

The Iowa Utilities Board plans a public meeting beginning at 9 a.m. Dec. 15 at its hearing room, 1375 E. Court Ave., to discuss agency issues, dockets and board functions. The board considers a range …

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Event Dec. 15: CIRAS offers session on marketing through Google

Iowa State University’s Center for Industrial Research and Service will offer a free webinar on Internet marketing strategies at 1 p.m. Dec. 15. The session will cover the basics of search engine optimization and special …

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Event Dec. 10: TAI event combines beer, tech talk

The Technology Association of Iowa’s popular TechBrew series brings its blend of beer and tech talk to the East Village’s Beechwood Lounge today from 5 to 7 p.m. The informal gathering draws technologists, business representatives…
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ICREA meeting will feature discussion of University of Iowa efforts in Central Iowa

The University of Iowa’s expansion of education programming in Central Iowa will be the topic when the Iowa Commercial Real Estate Association meets at 11:30 a.m. Dec. 16 at the Glen Oaks Country Club in …

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Venture School schedules information sessions

The Venture School at the University of Iowa’s John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center is offering a series of informational sessions in Greater Des Moines. The school is designed to accelerate startups. The meetings will be 4:30 …

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Event Dec. 7: USDA top hold session on broadband successes today

The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans a roundtable discussion today on the use of federal funding in broadband expansions in Iowa. The event is at 1:30 p.m at Iowa Network Services, 7760 Office Plaza Drive …