Business Community Events

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Event Nov. 18: Caven to speak at Start-up Stories

Elizabeth Caven, founder of UpCraft Club, will join Square One DSM’s Mike Colwell for Start-up Stories at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 18 at Two Ruan Center. UpCraft Club is a curated e-commerce shop that sells digital sewing patterns …

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Event Nov. 12: Friends of Iowa Justice For Our Neighbors fundraiser

Friends of Iowa Justice For Our Neighbors will host a benefit Nov. 12 to fund continued immigration legal services for unaccompanied children fleeing extreme violence in Central America who are resettled in Iowa. The leadership …

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Event Nov. 23: Grassley, Ernst to speak on agriculture, bioscience

The Iowa Caucus Consortium’s Federal Issues Series will feature U.S. Sens. Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst in a discussion of how agriculture and bioscience policies will affect the presidential election. Brent Willett, executive director of…
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Event Nov 3: Central banks forum at Drake

Drake University will host a panel discussion on “The Changing Role of Central Banks,” sponsored by Principal Financial Group Inc. and the Principal Financial Group Center for Global Citizenship. The free public event is scheduled …

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Event Nov. 4: AMA luncheon on building connections with consumers

The Iowa chapter of the American Marketing Association will be hosting a luncheon Wednesday, Nov. 4, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the West Des Moines Marriott. The luncheon will discuss the topic of building connections with …

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Event Nov. 5: Free workshop on clean energy startup

The Iowa Energy Center and Iowa Innovation Corp. have arranged a free workshop on clean energy startup initiatives, to be held 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m Nov. 5 at the University of Iowa Pappajohn Education …

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Event, Nov. 5: Drake’s Hatfield Clubb to speak at Elevate gathering

Sandy Hatfield Clubb, director of athletics at Drake University, will speak at a meeting of Elevate, a group promoting gender equity, on Thursday, Nov. 5 from 7:45 to 9 a.m. at the Embassy Club West.…
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Event Dec. 3-4: Iowa Taxpayers Association annual meeting and tax symposium

The two-day meeting at The Meadows Events and Conference Center in Altoona is geared toward tax, legal and government affairs professionals from all levels with an interest in topics of statewide interest who are seeking …

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Event Nov. 5: Elevate hosts Sandy Hatfield Clubb

Elevate will host Sandy Hatfield Clubb on Thursday, Nov. 5, from 7:45 to 9 a.m. at Embassy Club West. Sandy Hatfield Clubb is in her 10th year as director of athletics at Drake University. Elevate’s…
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Event Dec. 3: YPC plans gala at Des Moines Golf and Country Club

The Young Professionals Connection plans its first gala Dec. 3, marking the 15th anniversary of the initiative of the Greater Des Moines Partnership. The event will be from 6 to 10 p.m. at Des Moines …