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Is a Recession Around the Curve?

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group

What interest rate would you expect to receive on a:

12-month CD? 5-year CD?

If your answer was higher for the 5-year CD, you are expressing the …

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Keys to Integrating Executive Compensation and Benefits

BY MARCUS IWIG, CFP®, CPA, MAcc Lead Advisor

The key to success is creating a plan that integrates all of your benefits and is designed to help you achieve your goals. Having a clear understanding …

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Effectively Utilizing Deferred Compensation Plans

BY MARCUS IWIG, CFP®, CPA, MAcc Lead Advisor

Executives have an array of benefits that can be very effective in meeting their financial goals. One of those benefits is deferred compensation plans or, more technically, …

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Are You Advancing Your Portfolio with Science?

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group

“Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.” 

Science Council, www.sciencecouncil.org

Consider the …

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Predictable Success vs. Predictable Disappointment

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group

Wouldn’t it be great if you could attain predictable success in your investment portfolio, the kind of success that was understandable, systematic, and repeatable?

In his …

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Today’s Markets are Powerful Partners for Investor Success

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group

Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Apple; Orville Wright, Wilbur Wright and human flight; Ben Cohen, Jerry Greenfield and Cherry Garcia ice cream (my personal favorite!) …

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Is Your Portfolio Aligned with Your Purpose and Plans?

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group

How might smart investors target the risk and return of their investment portfolio to meet the unique aspects of their total financial plans and goals?

Financial …

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Pursuing a Better Investment Experience

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group

Does the increased volatility in financial markets in 2018 compared to 2017 have you feeling a bit anxious? Recently, on separate occasions, I heard the executive …