Business Insights Blog

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Where the health care industry can look to limit cybersecurity vulnerabilities

BY JAKE GIBSON, Chief Compliance Officer and Chief Security Officer, LightEdge Solutions

The health care industry can be a bed of information for cybercriminals. And it’s because of that wealth of information, which can bring in …

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Predictable Success vs. Predictable Disappointment

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group

Wouldn’t it be great if you could attain predictable success in your investment portfolio, the kind of success that was understandable, systematic, and repeatable?

In his …

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CEOs play critical role in their organization’s cybersecurity efforts

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Rain, rain, go away: Stormwater management is crucial for our communities

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Rain, rain, go away: Stormwater management is crucial for our communities

BY SID JUWARKER, Client Development Manager, Terracon

Throughout the year, we’ve seen a lot of precipitation, especially in recent months. Through October 29th, 2018, Des Moines had seen more than 37,52 inches of rain, which …

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CEOs play critical role in their organization’s cybersecurity efforts

BY JAKE GIBSON, Chief Compliance Officer and Chief Security Officer, LightEdge Solutions

An important part of cybersecurity is organizational awareness. Cybersecurity affects everyone, from the C-suite to the bottom of the organizational ladder, and that’s why …

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Predictable Success vs. Predictable Disappointment

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group…


Why communication is essential on job sites

BY SID JUWARKER, Client Development Manager, Terracon

Communication is imperative in all lines of work. It’s especially important when working on construction job sites. Many times, there are several people and organizations involved in a …

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Why communication is essential on job sites

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Today’s Markets are Powerful Partners for Investor Success

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group

Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Apple; Orville Wright, Wilbur Wright and human flight; Ben Cohen, Jerry Greenfield and Cherry Garcia ice cream (my personal favorite!) …