Business Insights Blog

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BY ROWENA CROSBIE, president, Tero International

What motivates you to do a good job? Have you found that you are more productive when you are motivated? What about when you don’t want to tackle a …

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Embrace Uncertainty!

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group

“…but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” -Benjamin Franklin

You and I may not enjoy uncertainty, but it …

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Does Your Organization Support Honesty? The Truth.

BY ROWENA CROSBIE, president, Tero International

We might expect honesty in our workplace conversations, but do we get it?

“Tell me honestly if you think this is OK.”

“To be honest, I don’t think we …

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Deadlines? What About Startlines?

BY JOE KRISTAN, CPA, Partner, Eide Bailly

We think in deadlines from the time we get our first homework assignment. The first question is always “when is this due?” I don’t remember anyone asking for …

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Why Fostering Inclusion Demands More Than Good Intentions

BY ROWENA CROSBIE, president, Tero International

It is a rare leader who doesn’t claim a sincere interest in fostering a culture of inclusivity at work. Most leaders even mean it.

In pursuit of this worthwhile …

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Time To Get Serious.

BY JOE KRISTAN, CPA, Partner, Eide Bailly

We get together to catch up with our families at Thanksgiving. When we get back from the long holiday weekend, we get together with our financial advisors and …

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Generosity is Great, But Greater with a Tax Deduction

BY JOE KRISTAN, CPA, Partner, Eide Bailly

Giving is its own reward. Still, a tax deduction for giving never hurts.

While tax reform changes some of the rules for charitable giving, donations still have powerful …

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Satisfying Your Tastes and Preferences for Investing and Dining

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group

If you were asked to describe what you liked about your favorite food, where would you start? Most of us would not begin with how the …

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Paying Sales Tax Isn’t Fun; Paying for Someone Else is Much Worse

BY JOE KRISTAN, CPA, Partner, Eide Bailly

Sales tax audits are the worst.

It’s not just the way some auditors seem to use Calvinball rules to determine what is taxable, or how much you should …

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Got capital gains? Zone them out.