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Business Record Insider

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Business Record 1-2-15

15 Industry Trends for 2015
15 business leaders from multiple industries provide trends to watch in 2015

Focus: Industry Trends

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Key Leadership Changes

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The Elbert Files: Danger: Iowa caucuses ahead

“Are you ready for a year of living dangerously?” asked my friend K.C. when I ran into him last week at the downtown library. 

“What makes 2015 so dangerous?” I asked.

“The caucuses,” he said. …

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Gitomer: How to be happy in 2015

Happy New Year! Or is it?

People wish it to you, to me, all the time.

So how happy are you right now? Really?

What’s your plan to be happy this year? Or are you …

25386 123

McLellan: Adjusting 2015 expectations

And action!

It seems simple on the surface. You sell something awesome that people really need and want. In theory, all you should have to do is let them know you’re open to selling it …

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A Closer Look: Dave Schwartz

Dave Schwartz took over as president of the West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce in May. Previously, he was founder and president of Bearence Management Group, an insurance and financial services company established in 2005 …

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15 Industry Trends for 2015

My environment is about to get a whole lot better. 

Sorry, Doug. As much as I want to give you credit, your prediction on real estate trends came a bit late for us. But I …

25392 78

Business Record 12-26-14

14 Top Deals of 2014
A look back at the top deals that shaped the business community in 2014.

Focus: Year in Review

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Afternoon Business Headlines

Russia slashing vodka prices as its economy reels

CNNMoney: The Russian economy is in a tailspin, but hey, its vodka is about to get cheaper! The state agency that regulates the alcohol market said this month that it will …

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Central Iowa SBA Loans

An ongoing listing of all SBA loans in Central Iowa.…

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