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december article image

Time To Get Serious.

BY JOE KRISTAN, CPA, Partner, Eide Bailly

We get together to catch up with our families at Thanksgiving. When we get back from the long holiday weekend, we get together with our financial advisors and …

november image

Generosity is Great, But Greater with a Tax Deduction

BY JOE KRISTAN, CPA, Partner, Eide Bailly

Giving is its own reward. Still, a tax deduction for giving never hurts.

While tax reform changes some of the rules for charitable giving, donations still have powerful …

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Satisfying Your Tastes and Preferences for Investing and Dining

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group

If you were asked to describe what you liked about your favorite food, where would you start? Most of us would not begin with how the …

october image

Paying Sales Tax Isn’t Fun; Paying for Someone Else is Much Worse

BY JOE KRISTAN, CPA, Partner, Eide Bailly

Sales tax audits are the worst.

It’s not just the way some auditors seem to use Calvinball rules to determine what is taxable, or how much you should …

september image

Got capital gains? Zone them out.

BY JOE KRISTAN, CPA, Partner, Eide Bailly

Everybody likes investment gains. Nobody likes to pay taxes on investment gains.

There’s one sure-fire way to avoid capital gain taxes: don’t cash out the gains. That’s a …

sept businessinsights blog

Carrot Cake, Portfolios, and Recipes that Deliver!

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group

I confess, I love my wife’s carrot cake recipe! She makes it for my birthday every year. The recipe results in a cake that is moist, …

august blog image

That’s Entertainment! But Not a Deduction.

BY JOE KRISTAN, CPA, Partner, Eide Bailly

It’s the fourth quarter. Your team is down five touchdowns on the way to their fourth straight loss. It’s 35 degrees and raining. You aren’t having any fun.…

july image

Being a Counterintuitive Investor – Do Stock Markets Follow GDP?

BY KENT KRAMER, CFP®, AIF®, Chief Investment Officer, Foster Group

The Cambridge Dictionary defines counter intuitive as “something that…does not happen in the way you would expect.” We have an intuition about something, an expectation about …

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Losing Your Ties, Losing Your Data

BY JOE KRISTAN, CPA, Partner, Eide Bailly

Rain every day. Soaked ground. Persistent minor flooding all spring. For Iowans of a certain age, this spring was enough like the one 26 years ago to make …

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Is It Time to Reconsider the C Corporation?

BY JOE KRISTAN, CPA, Partner, Eide Bailly

Grandma’s pies were the best pies.

I know, everyone thinks their grandma made the best pies, but my Grandma’s were the best. If she were still baking, she …