On the Move

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On The Move: Week of Oct. 17

Tyler S. Smith Duncan Green Brown & Langeness P.C. Promoted to associate attorney tsmith@duncangreenlaw.com

Brad Norwood Management Professionals Inc. Hired as regional manager norwood.brad@rrrealty.com

Daron Meyer Management Professionals Inc. Hired as maintenance technician meyer.daron@rrrealty.com

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On The Move: Week of Oct. 3

Tabatha Podrazik The Straub Corp. Hired as director of creative strategies tabatha@straubcorp.com

Tim King Anawim Housing Hired as property services technician info@anawimhousing.org

Kerry Burrows Corporate Image Hired as sales representative kerryw@corp-image.com

Julia Hulsebus Corporate Image…
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On The Move: Week of Sept. 26

Rebecca Westphal NCMIC Finance Corp. Hired as merchant service representative rwestphal@ncmic.com

Sandy Poe NCMIC Finance Corp. Hired as credit card associate spoe@ncmic.com

Chima Igbokwe NCMIC Finance Corp. Hired as merchant service representative cigbokwe@ncmic.com

Amy Nielsen-Muniz…
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On The Move: Week of Sept. 19

Kevin Condon Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives Hired as director of government relations kcondon@iowarec.org

Jennifer Drake Whitfield & Eddy Law Hired as attorney at law drake@whitfieldlaw.com

Christopher Baltzell Mercy Clinics Family Medicine Adel Hired as…
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On The Move: Week of Sept. 12

Patricia A. Sweeney McKee, Voorhees & Sease PLC Hired as patent attorney, of counsel patricia.sweeney@ipmvs.com

Nicholas J. Krob McKee, Voorhees & Sease PLC Hired as associate attorney nicholas.krob@ipmvs.com

Cassandra A. Chalhoub McKee, Voorhees & Sease…
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On The Move: Week of Sept. 5

Amanda Mahoski Midwest Growth Partners Promoted to vice president amanda.mahoski@mgpfund.com

Jenna Ridlen Mercy Clinics Family Medicine East Village Hired as family medicine physician jridlen@mercydesmoines.org

Mitalee Dharwadkar Mercy Clinics Family Medicine Ankeny Briarwood Hired as family…
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On The Move: Week of Aug. 29

Nathan Harris RDG Planning & Design Promoted to stockholder nharris@rdgusa.com

Gary Enerson RDG Planning & Design Promoted to stockholder generson@rdgusa.com

Curt Englehardt RDG Planning & Design Promoted to stockholder cenglehardt@rdgusa.com

Renee M. Thomas RDG Planning…
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On The Move: Week of Aug. 22

Kayla Egli Mercy Family Medicine Ankeny North Hired as physician kegli@mercydesmoines.org

Emily Biedenfeld The Des Moines Embassy Club Hired as director of sales and membership e.biedenfeld@embassyclub.com

Austin Fisher RBC Wealth Management Hired as financial advisor…
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On The Move: Week of Aug. 15

Erin Hockman Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority Hired as marketing and communications manager ehockman@ridedart.com

Kayla Egli Mercy Family Medicine Ankeny North Hired as family medicine physician kegli@mercydesmoines.org

Christina Rhoades Management Professionals Inc. Hired as…
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On The Move: Week of Aug. 1

Eric Sahrmann Applied Art & Technology Hired as creative director esahrmann@appliedart.com

Valerie Kramer MSA Professional Services Hired as marketing manager vkramer@msa-ps.com

Christine Her ArtForceIowa Hired as program manager, DSM Heroes christine@iowaartsineducation.org

Steven Schwartz American Equity…
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