On the Move

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On the Move: Week of May 16

Corey Pierce BirdDogHR Hired as SMB software sales representative cpierce@birddoghr.com

Denise Dooley McGowen, Hurst, Clark & Smith, P.C. Hired as accounting specialist ddooley@mhcscpa.com

Marcus Benton McGowen, Hurst, Clark & Smith, P.C. Hired as staff auditor…
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On the Move: Week of May 9

James Elliott Brooks Borg Skiles Hired as intern architect jelliott@bbsae.com

Nick Koehler Management Professionals Inc. Hired as maintenance technician koehler.nick@rrrealty.com

Dan Dolash Management Professionals Inc. Hired as maintenance technician dolash.dan@rrrealty.com

Greg Vickroy ICON Construction Hired…
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On the Move: Week of May 2

Brenda Mataya Landmark Companies Inc. Hired as operations administrator bmataya@lmcompanies-inc.com

Blake Campbell Best Buddies Iowa Hired as state director blakecampbell@bestbuddies.org

Jim Holter Merchants Bonding Co. Appointed to executive committee as vice president of commercial surety…
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On The Move: Week of Feb. 22

Dave Caris Community Bankers of Iowa Hired as CEO dcaris@cbiaonline.org

Carla Deemer Saxton Hired as business development executive carla-deemer@saxtoninc.com

Corey Skadburg TMG Financial Services Promoted to director of credit and risk coreys@tmgfinancialservices.com

Angie Pedersen TMG…
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On The Move: Week of Feb. 15

Heidi Wessels Iowa Center for Economic Success Hired as director of advocacy and networking hwessels@theiowacenter.org

Blake Roth GuideOne Insurance Hired as senior data security analyst broth@guideone.com

John Schmidt GuideOne Insurance Hired as senior continuous improvement…
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On The Move: Week of Feb. 8

Darrell Reeves Graham Construction Co. Hired as project manager dreeves@grahamconstruction.com

Daniel Cox LWBJ Hired as audit professional dcox@lwbj.com

Mark Cronin LWBJ Hired as tax professional mcronin@lwbj.com

Brianna Ricklefs LWBJ Hired as audit professional bricklefs@lwbj.com

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On The Move: Week of February 1

Allison Fegley

Hoyt Sherman Place

Promoted to director of bookings and event services



Dana Hanson

Hoyt Sherman Place

Promoted to director of sales and marketing



Candice Revita

Hoyt Sherman Place

Promoted …

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On The Move: Week of Jan. 18

Zack Ray

First National Bank

Hired as vice president & commercial lender



Cole Hornbuckle

First National Bank

Hired as commercial loan officer



Bre Johnston

First National Bank

Promoted to First Point …

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On The Move: Week of Jan. 11

David Hofmann


Hired as project architect



Brian Schwartz

Broker Dealer Financial Services Corp.

Promoted to business analyst



Corey Lewis

Phillips Stafford Insurance Group

Hired as agent



Dustin White…

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On The Move: Week of Dec. 14

Natalie Merrill

Renewable Energy Group, Inc.

Promoted to chief of staff and vice president



Travis Allen

Iowa State Bank

Hired as trust investment officer and vice president



Cris Aguilar

Iowa State …