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IowaBiz blog: To deduct business expenses, start with a business


Guest Opinion: Rethinking workers’ compensation

Mention of workers’ compensation almost always produces a collective groan among managers. Many relate it to the negatives: cost, injuries, down time, fines from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), investigations and morale …

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IowaBiz blog: Is the romance gone?


It’s time to give entrepreneurs a (tax) break

Raise your hand if you know a recent college graduate looking for relevant, meaningful work. Keep it up if you know several. My guess is there are a lot of hands in the air. I …

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GUEST OPINION: A new hurdle for independent contractors?

It is well known that Iowa’s economy encompasses a diverse group of employees and employers. However, many people are unaware that a number of Iowa’s workers are classified as independent contractors. This valuable group, however, …

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IowaBiz blog: Equity is king

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IowaBiz blog: You negotiated a debt workout? The IRS may be glad to hear that

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IowaBiz blog: Integration is where it’s at

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IowaBiz Blog: Insulate yourself from the world


GUEST OPINION: Consider incentives for existing buildings, too

A previous guest opinion by architect Bill Dikis on April 6 highlighted Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) buildings for healthy initiatives. That article noted that a bill being considered by the legislature would …