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IowaBiz Blog: Serving customers means anticipating what they need

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IowaBiz Blog: Make the customer’s life easier – Tell them the price!

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IowaBiz Blog: But what about the rest of us?

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GUEST OPINION: Women still fighting for pay equity

Women’s Equality Day, Aug. 26, was both a celebration of women’s progress and a reminder that equality remains a goal, not a reality.

On that day in 1920, women gained the right to vote under …

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TRANSITIONS: … And the Yankees win

In my golden years, when youngsters seek out my wisdom and beg to hear about the historic moments I’ve experienced – the Iowa Writers’ Workshop is putting together a script, and the Des Moines Community …

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OUR VIEW: Workers need jobs – and skills

The federal government is scrambling to find a way to create jobs; Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad has promised to create jobs; many business organizations want government to get out of the way so they can …

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IowaBiz Blog: Is your social media presence “perfessional?”

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IowaBiz Blog: Don’t flush that home office deduction

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IowaBiz Blog: Ah, the “good old days” of indoor air quality

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IowaBiz Blog: Marketing lessons from a Cy-Hawk