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OUR VIEW: Our future as a math problem

It’s hard to analyze a problem without facts; arguing without facts is easy but futile.

Now that the American public has been slapped hard enough to pay attention to the national budget, it would be …


GUEST OPINION: The lost art of compromise

The tornado season this year was nearly unprecedented in scope, severity and loss of life. Several meteorological components combine to form one of nature’s most powerful forces: instability, wind, lightning and wall clouds. On the …


TRANSITIONS: History’s best-looking economic collapse

It has been difficult to drive this summer in the southeast corner of downtown. The streets are so torn up, the effort looks so frantic, one wonders if the mayor lost his keys and pushed …

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BLOG: Good service sometimes begins in bad times

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BLOG: What should I do about my capital losses?

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BLOG: There’s light at the end of the tunnel


Transitions: So, what else is on?

This is getting a little old, isn’t it? An economic crisis is exciting for a year or two, but our national attention span isn’t built for this kind of sustained worrying.

It might have played …

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OUR VIEW: A leader should take a stand

What an opportunity. Iowa will be thick with presidential hopefuls for the next several months, and do you ever have an important topic to bring up.

There will be much time spent on social issues. …


Gain strength from adversity

So often, the most powerful catalyst for change lies in the place we’d least expect or want to find it – in adverse circumstances. Failure has a way of making us take stock of our …

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BLOG: Summer reads for Iowa businesses