

GUEST OPINION: Minimum-wage workers fall behind

Two years ago this week, 4.5 million of America’s workers enjoyed a modest pay increase, as the federal minimum wage rose from $6.55 to $7.25 an hour. That increase was the final of a three-step …


TRANSITIONS: Where nostalgia and horsepower collide

Economists are desperately searching for signs that the American consumer is ready to start spending again. They’re studying retail reports, inventory figures, M1, M2 and, when there’s time to kill between innings, M3. So far, …

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OUR VIEW: Farmers are in the crosshairs

The raging battle about the budget has focused even more attention on how taxes are spent, and that’s good. Although we question the strong-arm approach, we have to give the tea party activists credit for …


TRANSITIONS: Changing light bulbs is difficult for some

The government is starting to phase out incandescent light bulbs, and a recent NPR story quoted a woman who said she objected to the government telling her what she can and can’t buy. Objected vociferously.…


GUEST OPINION: Ways to tame your digital jungle

OMG, it’s just TMI. Technology-driven information is flooding our consciousness in ways we are not emotionally, psychologically or anatomically equipped to handle. And we’re learning that the influx of information coming in at a rate …

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OUR VIEW: Business can help education

A strong panel of business people got together last week as part of the preparations for the upcoming Iowa Education Summit, and they focused on the K-12 portion of our school system.

Bankers Trust Co. …


GUEST OPINION: Adult business classes on the way

Now is the time to think about going back to school – for professionals. The University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication is responding to the business community’s needs by offering two classes …


TRANSITIONS: Keep Boomers happy, watch the money roll in

Well, there goes my million-dollar idea. Some guy in Las Vegas is operating “Dig This,” a theme park for adults who always wanted to operate heavy machinery. For a hefty admission price, people can tool …

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OUR VIEW: Legislature to business- Maybe later

Business interests had reason to expect a lot from the Iowa Legislature in 2011, and Republican leaders encouraged them to do so. And yet, despite an extraordinarily long session and a bulldog approach to negotiation …

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GUEST OPINION: Real patriots pay their taxes

Some of our nation’s biggest corporations are planning a tax holiday, and they want you to pick up the tab.

You already pay for their routine tax avoidance through the use of tax havens in …