Short-term solutions are no way to handle problems, Thomas Hoenig told a Des Moines audience last week. Hoenig is the retiring president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and a 20-year veteran of …
The Swirling Vortex of Doom was a bizarre occurrence in Louisiana in 1980, when a drilling rig on a shallow lake accidentally punched a hole into a salt mine. Before the excitement ended, a river’s …
Bob Knapp paid a state record $500,000 fine for his recklessness in the Equitable Building renovation. It was proper to hit him hard for ignoring the rules about asbestos removal, especially in the heart of …
Business leaders, investors and consumers are, for the first time in decades, facing price uncertainty. Investor and media fascination with commodities has given way to very real concerns about accelerating inflation rates. Businesses are already …
It didn’t bother me when a highly scientific survey in North Korea found that China is the happiest nation on Earth. North Korea narrowly lost out on the top spot when a shortage of badminton …
The good news is that the federal government is looking everywhere, and maybe even seriously, for ways to improve its balance sheet. But the process will bring some bad news, such as Congress’ interest in …
If the average life expectancy today in the West is around 80 (and still rising), and 53 is the median age of people in the Baby Boom generation (born between 1946 and 1964), this means …
In the world of office work, we’re seeing a dichotomy. Or is that just a glare off a car in the parking lot? No, I’m pretty sure it’s a dichotomy.
According to a recent report …
In 1900, the average life span in the United States was 47 years. Today, life expectancy is approaching 80. Every day, 8,000 people turn 60. When Social Security was established in 1935, people older than …
Republican political consultant Mike Murphy was on to us in Time magazine recently, writing that Iowa is reaping a financial windfall with the caucuses every four years.
“Candidates may go to Iowa thinking they are …
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