

The Elbert Files: Fearless Holly Elbert

Our daughter, Holly, is one of the most fearless women I know. 

At 41 years of age, she is a mechanical engineer and partner at BBS Architects Engineers, one of Des Moines’ oldest building design …


Elbert: 100 years of wonder

Neal Smith’s 2019 memoir “From My Century to Yours: Wisdom From the Near 100-Year Life of Former Congressman Neal E. Smith” is both fascinating and frustrating.

It’s fascinating because Smith, a Democrat from Polk County, …

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Guest opinion: You are living your leadership legacy

“Bosses shape how people spend their days and whether they experience joy or despair, perform well or badly, or are healthy or sick.” — Robert Sutton

How you are leading during this pandemic is likely how you…
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Guest opinion: Don’t be afraid to walk away

By Teri Sporer | Chief operating officer/shareholder, Holmes Murphy

In a year filled with people who just want 2020 to be over, I have reflected on many things.

When times are great, you never have the same …

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Guest opinion: Get by with a little help from my friends

By Amy Vohs | Founder, Lil’ Sidekick

Creating a startup of any kind from scratch is no small feat. And inventing a consumer product and bringing it to market is an even harder road and one …


Marketing: Does being negative generate positive results?

In last week’s column, we looked at why so many of the political ads take an aggressive, negative stance rather than exalting the candidate’s platform, past performance or beliefs. The data shows that the negative …


The Elbert Files: ‘’Tis well,’ we hope

“‘Tis well,” were George Washington’s final words before dying at Mount Vernon on Dec. 14, 1799, according to a new book by Washington scholar Peter Henriques.

I was casting about for something to write this …

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Guest opinion: Moving through the low points

By Katie Beary | Director of branch operations, Gallagher

A few years ago I was sprayed by a skunk.

I was riding the Cumming to Water Works Park trail south of Des Moines, and just as I …


Marketing: If you can’t say something nice…

It’s inevitable. 

During every election cycle, I shake my head in dismay at the tactics taken by candidates at every level of government in their campaign ads. I hate the shouting, the hyperbole aimed at …


The Elbert Files: Counting votes

If you’ve paid attention – and it’s hard not to this year – you’ve heard the scenarios about how this presidential election could produce a result other than the one rendered by voters.

Although most …

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