

The Elbert Files: Roxanne

I’ve known Roxanne Conlin a long time. 

I covered her successful 1979 prosecution of Maj. Gen. Joseph May, head of the Iowa National Guard, for using guard aircraft to visit his fiancee in Florida. Her …

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Guest opinion: The future of women and work is at risk

By Tiffany O’Donnell | CEO, Women Lead Change

A hurricane. On the list of “things an Iowa gal doesn’t have to worry about,” this would be at the top — at least until 2020.

As my …


Elbert: 21st-century socialism

President Donald Trump has accused Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden of being a “Trojan Horse for socialism.”
It’s a catchy phrase, but one that left the barn decades ago. 
Accusing U.S. politicians of being socialists …


Elbert: A forgotten grand plan

Nearly a century ago, Des Moines planners envisioned a downtown riverfront bedecked with wide plazas and monumental architecture similar to 1930s Berlin. They even included a Brandenburg Gate-like feature.  

The proposals never got off the …

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Guest opinion: How COVID-19 finally helped me embrace change

By Natalie Mahoney | Public affairs coordinator, PolicyWorks

I’ve never been a big fan of change. From an early age, change meant something different, something new, something out of my normal routine. It terrified me to …


Elbert: Mary Trump’s book

Reasonable people who read Mary Trump’s book about her uncle Donald may come away with a strong sense of dread. 

Her up-close and personal view of our 45th president paints a much darker picture than …

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Guest opinion: Lifting up women through the pandemic

By Kate Banasiak | President and CEO, Diversified Management Services

Since the 1970s, we’ve worked hard on gender equity in the workplace, but over the last six months, the headlines show how much women are sliding …

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Guest opinion: Financial FOMO

By Joey Beech | Executive director, Ankeny Economic Development Corp.

Part of any healthy habit is having the guts to speak our truth in tricky social situations. “Thank you, Grandma, but I don’t need a third …


The Elbert Files: Iowa’s school problem

“Never waste a good crisis.”

It’s an old saying but appropriate as we prepare for a roller coaster school year.  

The idea behind the saying is that challenging times force us to solve difficult problems …

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Guest Q&A: The business of art during a global pandemic

A local Central Iowa couple, James and Bridget Neely, opened their arts and entertainment business — Bottle & Bottega Des Moines by Painting with a Twist (“Bottle & Bottega”) — in the heart of downtown …