COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down. The virus posed new challenges not only to our physical health, but our social, emotional and mental health, as well. The lasting impact of the pandemic is causing …
Earlier this year, I wrote about how George Orwell had warned years ago that political words like “socialism,” “democracy” and “freedom” were losing their meaning.
Now with protests following the killing of George Floyd and …
Over the last decade, employee mental health has been an increasing topic of interest for businesses around the country. The recent impacts of COVID-19 have only continued to show us the importance for companies to …
By Dorene MacVey | Founder, ithrive31 “Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other …
Are you ready for more Iowa roadside distractions, like the “world’s small church” built south of Decorah in 1886 by a Frenchman who fought alongside Napoleon Bonaparte at Waterloo, or the world’s shortest, steepest scenic …
This column wraps up our look at how to successfully reopen your business to customers to make them feel safe and welcome. In previous columns, we’ve worked through how to properly prep your team and …
It’s time to get counted, Iowa — the 2020 United States census is underway. Every Iowan is being asked to complete a simple 10-question survey, the information from which will be used to determine such …
Lyric X-Press is a music group of a variety of artists whose goals are to break boundaries with their talents through music expression. I’m Brian Clark, better known as Brian Clark Music, founder and leader …
By Kate Juelfs | Chief operations and chief compliance officer, Foster Group Like scores of parents across the nation, my husband and I were unexpectedly thrust into the role of teachers when schools abruptly closed due to …
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