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Guest opinion: Create your web

By Teri Sporer | Chief operating officer/shareholder, Holmes Murphy

When I say “web,” I’m going way back before the Internet. Many of you have heard of the black widow and the story “Charlotte’s Web” — …


McLellan: What if Black Friday is not for you?

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have wholly changed how Americans think about Thanksgiving week. Don’t get me wrong; there is absolutely a place for holiday sales, and I know for many retail businesses, the Friday …


The Elbert Files: Ames, a Hobby Shop Town

Mike Templeton, owner of the Hobby Shop, the second-oldest business on Main Street in Ames, knows a lot about model airplanes, cars and trains.

He should. The 63-year-old has been roaming the aisles of one …

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Guest opinion: H.E.L.P. for leaders

By Dorene MacVey | Founder, iThrive31

Being a leader can be a difficult and sometimes thankless job. Here are some of the reasons why:

Expectations come from all fronts: boss’s needs, subordinates’ demands and peer requests,…
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Guest opinion: What it means to lead with ADHD

By Beth Shelton | CEO, Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa

I have an abundance of focus. So much so that it flows out of me like the surgical precision of a laser, intense and precise. It …


McLellan: How neighborly is your marketing?

“Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” hit the airwaves in 1968, and 912 episodes later its final episode aired in 2001. In an era of children’s programming that was focused on reading, writing and arithmetic, Mr. Rogers focused …


The Elbert Files: How merger affects Iowa

The pending merger of Gannett and GateHouse Media could be both a boon and a curse for newspaper readers in Ames, Burlington, Boone, Perry, Nevada, Adel and Hamburg.

All of those towns are served by …

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It’s an exciting time for Iowa startups, and for the corporations who embrace them

Last week, entrepreneurs and investors from across the U.S. converged on Des Moines to celebrate Insurtech Week, a time to network and swap best practices related to insurance technology. This event — and others like…
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Opinion: Misgendering and why it’s important to leaders

My close friend Justice was recently misgendered publicly at a professional function and came to me for advice. Our conversation reinforced how critical it is for business leaders to be educated about gender diversity and …

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Guest opinion: Laugh a little more

Have you heard the statistic that kids laugh 300 times per day while adults laugh only 15-20 times? While the research is inconsistent on the exact numbers, the point is that adults simply take themselves …

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