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The Elbert Files: State benefits from ‘tax cuts’

Here’s a curious bit of financial irony: Tax cut legislation is the reason state government is flush with money leading up to Tuesday’s election, and it’s why state tax receipts will continue to grow next …

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Guest opinion: Three practical (and fun) ways to practice gratitude

By Dorene MacVey | Owner, ithrive31

We hear it every day: It is important to live gratefully. This concept is backed by multiple studies linking gratitude to physical, emotional and social well-being. Research shows that people who …

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The Elbert Files: E15 Won’t Solve Problems

E15 ethanol is not a good solution for Iowa farmers.

President Donald Trump captured a lot of headlines earlier this month when he directed the Environmental Protection Agency to do something he’d been promising since …

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Guest opinion: The cherry outfit

By Teri Sporer | Chief operating officer/shareholder, Holmes Murphy

To say “we’ve come a long way, baby” is truly an understatement. I recently read a book in which a husband came home from a trip and told…
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Guest Opinion: Assess your culture for openness

I recently spoke with a friend who is CEO of a successful construction company. They have grown tremendously over the past decade by focusing on the right things.

What do I mean by the right …

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Guest opinion: ‘Something must be done’ vs. doing something

By Christi Hegstad | President, MAP Professional Development Inc.
My heart — like yours, I’m sure — was broken multiple times over the senseless violence that recently took the lives of young women in our communities. When…
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Guest opinion: Do not apologize for telecommuting

By Betsy McCloskey | Partner, Plaid Swan Inc.

We live in an amazing time where technology continues to make the workplace more efficient and adaptable. This evolving technology has also made it easier for businesses to allow …

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Guest Opinion: Checking organizational learning disabilities

Organizations can suffer learning disabilities that prevent them from capitalizing on their experience, as Peter Senge argued in his classic, “The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization.”

Strategic planning develops a …

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The Elbert Files: Is Steve King support fading?

An Esquire magazine article — https://bit.ly/2DHo089 — that appeared online Sept. 30 suggests that Republican Congressman Steve King’s immigrant-bashing may be wearing thin among Iowa constituents whose livelihoods depend on undocumented labor.

The subject of …

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Guest opinion: What’s next beyond retirement

By Jann Freed | Leadership development and change management consultant

Diane Ramsey’s two-part series titled “Reinventing yourself without losing your mind” was timely because many older workers are adventuring into uncharted territory. According to the Pew Research Center, every day …