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The Elbert Files: Smoke and mirrors

The truth about the $2 billion tax cut package approved by Iowa lawmakers a couple of weeks ago is that much of it is smoke and mirrors and is unlikely to occur in the time …

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Guest Opinion: Planting seeds and cultivating trust

By Susan Hatten | Account executive, Holmes Murphy

When asked to offer one of the greatest quotes of inspiration that have guided my career, I oftentimes reply, “Never underestimate the value of planting a seed.”

Planting seeds…
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Guest Opinion: Network successfully with these tips

By Katie Roth | President, Staffing & Recruiting, Aureon Staffing 

I was honored to be asked to participate in last month’s Metro-Wide Mentoring event for women hosted by several local chambers. It was a great event and if you…
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The Elbert Files:Trump’s breadcrumbs

“Rudy Giuliani figured it out,” said a familiar voice. I was approaching Terrace Hill on my afternoon walk last week when my friend K.C. suddenly appeared, as he often does, when I least expected him.…

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Guest Opinion: Pilot program helps firms fill empty shipping containers

The pilot website ContainerLocator.com has demonstrated proof of concept and is drawing praise from the tech community.

The website empowers companies to track down international shipping containers that are arriving in Iowa full of goods …

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The Elbert Files: Iowa’s iconic goldfinch

When the Iowa General Assembly claimed the eastern goldfinch as the state songbird 85 years ago, no one knew what the future held.

The vote honoring the goldfinch was taken on March 22, 1933, during …

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Guest Opinion: The impact of women-owned businesses

By Becky Fluegge | Vice president and SBA lending manager, Bankers Trust 

I recently attended an event at Terrace Hill hosted by the National Association of Women Business Owners Iowa Chapter celebrating Women’s History Month. It was awe-inspiring …

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Guest Opinion: Help! I don’t want to put my pants on, let alone run my business!

By Kathleen Riessen | Speaker, facilitator and businessadviser

Have you ever woken up and not wanted to go to work? You hit the alarm clock so many times that you risk being late. You know there’s a lot …

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The Elbert Files: Feeling crushed by life?

If things are so good, why does it often feel so bad?

I think you know what I mean. 

Hardly a day goes by when we don’t hear good news: Des Moines is the best …

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Guest Opinion: Embracing the success of women

By Ellen Willadsen | Chief financial officer, Holmes Murphy & Associates

Less than 100 years ago, women were working diligently across the United States to obtain the right to vote. Opponents feared houses wouldn’t be as …